Anti-nDNA Antibodies (nDNA)

Indirect immunofluorescence test for the qualitative determination of anti-nDNA IgG antibodies in serum or plasma.

Detection of antibodies against native double-stranded DNA (Anti-nDNA, Anti-dsDNA) is very important for laboratory diagnostics of systemic lupus erythematosous (SLE). Immunofluorescence assays based on antigens of the flagellate Crithidia luciliae have a high diagnostic specificity. Sensitivity is somewhat lower, especially in patients with no signs for an active disease state.
Antibodies against native DNA are more than specific markers for the disease; they are also suitable parameters for measuring lupus disease activity. Therefore, Anti-nDNA antibodies are among the most frequently detected autoantibodies that are associated with SLE. They are found in 95 % of SLE patients with renal involvement, in 50 – 70 % of SLE patients without renal involvement and in 40 % of patients with inactive SLE. Anti-nDNA antibodies are rarely found in healthy individuals.


Product Number ORG 871
Tests 120 (10 slides, 12 wells each)
Coating Crithidia luciliae


Instruction for Use
Safety Data Sheet
Instruction for Use Revision 3. Earlier versions and additional languages can be found in the document archive.

Components of the kit

Slides Anti-nDNA Antibodies (nDNA)
Crithidia luciliae – 10 slides x 12 wells
nDNA Positive Control
anti-nDNA antibodies (for Crithidia luciliae) – 0.3 ml
IgG FITC/Evans
for human cells and Crithidia luciliae – 3 ml
Mounting Medium
mounting medium – 3 ml
PBS (10x)
phosphate buffer saline (PBS 10x) – 100 ml
Negative Control
Negative Control for IFA – 0.3 ml
Blotting Paper 1 x 12
filter paper for 12 wells – 10 pcs.

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